Ever since I was young I have always loved art. I loved drawing and experimenting with different mediums, exploring colours, shapes and forms. And this continued all throughout my life. It is something that I have been passionate about ever since I could remember and I practiced it before I could read or write. However when I thought about what I want to do for my career, I never found anything else interesting but art, the worst of all was that the thought of being an artist made me uneasy because I knew I was not cut out to be an artist, I didn’t have the skills or the artistic talent to really understand artworks or to create one. And this really freaked me out because I became lost and didn’t know what to do with my life. And so at one point of my life I gave up trying to be an artist but not my passion, it just meant that off I go to try different things.
In year 9 and 10 I picked up visual design and photography for my elective and it was at that point that I realized that “fine art” isn’t the only form of art. But there are design, problem solving, innovation, and simply observing everyday life made me so fascinated. It was then I found that I have a nature of observing my environment and questioning why things are the way they are, and that in my subconscious I would assess products without knowing and I would always find different ways to improve an everyday item to make life easier, and criticize the function and form, always looking for ways to improve them.
Sadly at this point I still didn’t know what I wanted to do, because I have never hear of the course “industrial design”. So I continued exploring possibilities with my life. So on to my senior years.
The subjects I chose for my senior years were pretty versatile, a bit of everything. Chemistry, visual art, hospitality, Japanese, math and English, and I wasn’t surprised that art came through as one of my favourite subject (tho now I know I am more of a design material). But what really amazed me was that, I loved chemistry almost as much as I loved art. My favourite part of chemistry is learning about how certain materials are made of looking at their molecular structure and what gives them certain properties for them to behave the way they are. Another point of chemistry that I really liked was how one factor in our environment could affect several part of our lives.
So during my HSC years while studying and figuring out what the heck am I going to do with my life was a battle of art and science, and then I thought… why can’t I have both?
And then, I found it, in the 2010 UAC book. UNSW industrial design, the study of design and science.
It couldn’t get any better.
As to why at UNSW not UWS or other universities
The Degree of Bachelor of Industrial Design from the University of New South Wales is recognised by the Design Institute of Australia.
That is pretty self explanatory
What I like about industrial design is that the future is uncertain. There are so many options I can choose from I don’t have to pick just one, also because I have not yet find at what field of industrial design am I stronger at. But that’s why I’m here. Right?
I think that this really gives an insight into why you choose this course, and how it combines two things you love. I also did chemistry at school and really enjoyed it, and this whole design vs science career is something that I can really relate to.