Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I named this piece "Schmetterling", meaning butterly in German because the book i used for the butterflies was a book about second world war in Germany. Each butterly tells a story.

Peer Comments

Monica Lu


Shenea Huang


Dio Antonio


Ella Setiamiharja


Jock Sinclair



  1. Good work on this.. room divider? blind? I like how you arranged the butterflies descending by size. Looking from the hero shot, if you want to use this as a window blind, perhaps it needs to be stronger. Instead of two pipes maybe use one on each side, or use something stronger than the copper wires to attach the butterflies. Great work and well done!!

  2. This design is quite eye catching, the colour of the polished copper pipes really match the aged book pages that are used for the construction of the butterflies. Also the it looks like the butterflies have been frozen in mid-air, if this design wasn't so labour intensive I would have to say it would have been an extremely marketable piece of upcycling. Very well done!

  3. i love the design.. really eye catching in deed.
    the composition and positionings of the butterflies are really interesting to see..
    but yet i think a better structure, better hanging system of those paper butterflies would be good.. also might can give a certain solutions to make it not so easy to get dusty and worn out the paper by time..
    i think basically if you develope this idea in so much more ways of using the papers, materials, and thinking more on the durability, this design will be really good..
