"every object tells a story, if you know how to read it" -Henry Ford
As consumers we decode that story by analysing its form and aesthetics and we often do this in our subconcious mind to determine a good design or bad design. but as a designer we need to be able to program these codes into that object.
Good design are designs that improves our daily life without us knowing it. from the grip of our peeler to the tip of the toothpick, everything we own and touch are carefully thought out and designed to be the best they can be.
But to creat a good design is no easy task. first of all we need a complete understanding of the object we are designing; its purpose, its form, how was this task done before, what may it be in the future? who are we designing for? what kind of material are to be used? where will they come from? where will they go after use? all these need to be considered simply to create A design.
We need to be critical of the world around us. we need to be observative and analyse everything around us, asking "why is it like this and not like that?", "how could this object be better", "is this object the best it could be?". we need to be innovative and imaginative and see things that only people can dream of. we need to think big. One of the things that really interested me in this documentry is seeing the process of a new design being made. all your thoughts and possibilityes are being poured out onto sticky notes for everyone to see, being inspiring and inspired at the same time. in the process all the possible aspect of the object is throughly thought over.
As new technologies are coming out every day, (especically the internet) our world is moving faster than ever, more "new" designs are being produced at a rapid speed and also becoming "old" faster too. so its vital to never to linger on designs that are "now" but to look forward to see what is going to happen.
Design is all around us. every object we see and touch was designed by someone who has put their thoughts, emotions and apart of themselves into the object.
Design in a sense is the bridge that connects the designer to the consumer. we put our emotions and characteristics into the design to create a relationship. in another word, we are objectifying our life, emotions and philosophy.
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